Math and Science Center

Fall 2024

Online Tutoring

Click on the link below to meet with a tutor. You will be asked to enter your #900 and select a course, then a tutor will greet you. 

Monday - Thursday: 4pm - 8pm

Saturday: 11am - 4pm

**Closed Saturday Aug 31 and Monday Sept 2 for Labor Day**

On-Campus Tutoring

Visit us at LLR 3rd Floor during our Drop-in hours.

Monday - Thursday  


**Closed Monday Sept 2 for Labor Day**

FALL 2024 Tutor Schedule

Unscheduled changes to the tutors' shifts can happen from time to time. We appreciate your understanding if a particular tutor is not in the Math and Science Center at a particular day or time due to illness, etc. Thus, all schedules are subject to change, but we adhere to them as closely as we can. 


General Information

(805) 378-1556

Faculty Coordinators

Please note that the Math Center cannot provide any contact information about their tutors or referrals for the purposes of "private tutoring".