Emergency Preparedness

The purpose of this website is to give you basic information on how to respond to most disasters and emergencies you may encounter and to give you information on how the college and district plans to respond to protect you. The links on the left side of the page will connect you with basic instructions for a number of specific emergencies. While the list is not comprehensive nor exhaustive, it should provide you enough information to keep you safe while assistance is in route.

Incident Organization Chart

Some Basic Guidelines to follow in all emergencies:

  • Remain calm.
  • Cooperate with emergency personnel (including campus Emergency Operations staff).
  • Follow the instructions received via the campus Emergency Notification System.
  • Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways clear for emergency personnel.
  • Do not attempt to leave campus in your vehicle unless instructed to do so.
  • An emergency command post may be set up near the emergency site. Keep clear of the command post unless you have information to report.
  • Keep emergency supplies in your car and office that can last up to 3 days.
  • The college may not have immediate assistance for up to 72 hours.

VCCCD Emergency Operations Plan

Moorpark College Emergency Operations Plan

Emergency Preparedness usually meets the 2nd Monday of every other month from 9:00 am-11:00 am unless noted.