ACCJC Accredited
Moorpark College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges, 428 J Street, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95814, (415) 506-0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at:
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
- Moorpark College’s 2022 Self-Evaluation Report
- Moorpark College’s 2022 ISER Evidence
- ACCJC Third Party Comment Form
Fall 2020
Moorpark College submits Midterm Report to ACCJC
Summer 2018
Moorpark College Receives Certificate of Accreditation (July 2018)
On June 13, 2018, Moorpark College received notification that the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) reaffirmed its accreditation for the remainder of the cycle. The institution's next comprehensive review will occur in fall 2023, with a Midterm Report due on October 15, 2020.
On July 19, 2018, Moorpark College received a Certificate of Accreditation. This Certificate symbolizes the accredited status of Moorpark College which will remain in force until the Commission’s next comprehensive review or other special action.
- Reaffirmation of Accreditation (June 2018)
- Certificate of Accreditation Letter (July 2018)
- Certificate of Accreditation (July 2018)
Spring 2018
Moorpark College Submits Follow-up Report to ACCJC (March 2018)
- Moorpark College's Follow-up Report to ACCJC (March 2018)
- Moorpark College's Follow-up Report to ACCJC_Signature Page (March 2018)
- Moorpark College's Follow-up Report to ACCJC_Received Notification (March 2018)
Spring 2017
Moorpark College Receives Continued Affirmation of Accreditation (January 2017)
On February 3, 2017, Moorpark College received notification that the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) reaffirmed its accreditation for 18 months, with a required Follow-Up Report on the issues identified in the Visiting Team's findings of non-compliance at the District-level. The Follow-Up Report will be followed by a visit to the VCCCD District Office by Commission representatives. Reaffirmation for 18-months indicates that the Commission has determined that the institution is in substantial compliance with Commission Standards.
- Commission's Letter to Moorpark College (January 2017)
- Commission's Final Evaluation Report on Moorpark College Site Visit (September 2016)
- ACCJC Statement of Accreditation Status (March 2017)
Fall 2016
Moorpark College's ACCJC Site Visit Scheduled for September 26 through September 29, 2016
Spring 2016
Moorpark College Approved to Expand its Distance Education Programs (Feb 2016)
- Moorpark College ACCJC Approval Letter
- Moorpark College's Substantive Change Proposal (January 2016)
Spring 2014
Moorpark College Receives Continued Affirmation of Accreditation (Feb 2014)
On February 7, 2014, Moorpark College received notification that the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) reaffirmed its accreditation. The decision to continue affirmation of accreditation was based on Moorpark College’s Midterm Report that was submitted to the ACCJC in October 2013. The ACCJC action letter and Midterm Report are provided below. The next comprehensive evaluation for accreditation is scheduled for October 2016.
Spring 2013
Moorpark College's Follow-Up Visit: College Removed from Probation Status
The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Commission) has released its official 2012 follow-up review findings for Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD).
- Commission's Letter to Moorpark College (January 2013)
- Commission's Evaluation Report on Moorpark College Follow-Up Visit (November 2012)
Fall 2012
Moorpark College Submits Follow-Up Report to ACCJC
This Follow-Up Report is submitted by Moorpark College as a progress report outlining Ventura County Community College District’s (VCCCD or District) responses to the recommendations made by Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) and the alignment to the Accreditation Commission Standards. Each recommendation response also includes a statement of “College Activities and Impact” as it relates to District progress. The District and College responses delineate the progress achieved to date, and fully addresses the concerns noted by the Commission letter dated February 2, 2012 that placed the College on Probation status, and the subsequent July 2, 2012 Commission letter that continued the College on Probation status.
- Moorpark College's Follow-Up Report to ACCJC (October 2012)
- Moorpark College's Status Report on Student Learning Outcomes Implementation (2012)
Dr. Sean Hancock, Chair
President, Cerro Coso Community College

Dr. Hancock currently serves as Cerro Coso Community College’s eighth President. He is a champion for education, empowering faculty, staff, and students since 1999. He served as the Campus Director San Joaquin Valley College’s Modesto, CA campus for ten years prior to accepting the position of Vice President of Instruction and Student Services with Palo Verde College, in Blythe, CA in 2014. In 2018, he joined Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District as the Vice Chancellor, Student and Institutional Success. He is a California community college alumnus, having graduated with an Associate of Arts in Business from College of the Sequoias in Visalia, CA. After receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Management and Organizational Development from Fresno Pacific University, he attended TUI University where he received an MBA with a concentration in Finance. His passion for lifelong learning led him to pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Administration from University of the Pacific in Stockton, CA. Recognizing the profound impact that education has had on his own life, he has dedicated his career to changing lives through the power of education.
Ms. Denise Whisenhunt, Vice Chair
President, Grossmont College

Denise Whisenhunt, J.D., is an innovative leader with nearly 21 years of administrative and leadership experience in the community college system. Currently, she serves as president of Grossmont College, the largest community college in East San Diego County. As the Chief Executive Officer, she has oversight of all aspects of the college. Prior to this, she served as the vice president of student services at San Diego City College, providing vision and support to implement strategies that impact student success for all students. Her administrative positions have also included interim president at San Diego City College, interim vice president of student services at San Diego Mesa College, dean of student affairs at San Diego City College, and the associate dean of outreach for San Diego Community College District. She has dedicated much of her professional career to working in underserved communities, with a focus on increasing access and opportunities to help students reach their goals.
Ms. Judith Benavidez
Counseling Faculty, Irvine Valley College

Judith Benavidez is a Counseling Faculty at Irvine Valley College in Irvine, California. Prior to working at IVC, she worked as an adjunct counselor at the University Transfer Center at Santa Ana College and the Cadena Transfer Center at Fullerton College. At Irvine Valley College, she serves as a curriculum lead and in the Guided Pathways completion teams for the School of Integrated Design, Engineering and Automation (IDEA). In addition, she is the assigned counselor for the UCI-IVC Engineering Academy, CSUF Project Raise and Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA).

Dr. Shelley Gaskin
Instructor, Business Education Division, Pasadena City College
Dr. Shelley Gaskin is a professor in the Business Division at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California. Before joining the college, she worked in the computer industry at Unisys and Ernst & Young. At Pasadena City College, Dr. Gaskin heads the Business Information Technology program, where she has developed new courses for technologies such as Salesforce and Microsoft Teams. She is a member of the Faculty Online Education Committee, is POCR certified, and is working with her colleagues to move the college to the California Virtual College. She also assists faculty to become POCR certified. Certificates in the program Dr. Gaskin heads were the first at the college where a student could earn a Certificate of Achievement entirely online. Dr. Gaskin is also a published author and editor of college textbooks in her field.
Dr. Matthew Goldstein
Instructor, College of Alameda

Matthew Goldstein has worked in the Peralta Community College District since 2001. Before joining the College of Alameda Humanities Dept. in 2015, he taught English at Laney College in Oakland and served two terms as faculty union president. He’s been president of the CoA Academic Senate since 2019. His doctoral research, completed at the University of Texas at Austin, examined third-world literature and post-colonial theory.
Dr. Tina Inzerilla
Library Coordinator, Las Positas College

Tina Inzerilla has worked at Las Positas College as a librarian since 2007 and became library coordinator in 2014. She served one terms as an at-large member on the faculty union board. She’s been vice-president of the Academic Senate for two terms. Her doctoral research, completed online at Queensland University of Technology through San Jose State University, examined collaboration between librarians and teaching faculty.
Mr. Charles Sasaki
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Windward Community College

Charles Sasaki serves as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the University of Hawaii – Windward Community College where he serves as ALO and oversees the total instructional program including faculty, programs, curriculum, and research. He is active in the community of Minority Serving Institutions and his professional work is strongly rooted in DEI and social justice praxis. Charles graduated from UC Riverside and UC Irvine, earned tenure as faculty in ethnic studies, and later moved into administrative roles as Director of Faculty Development, Chief Diversity Officer, Dean, and Associate Vice President of Student Affairs before joining Windward CC in 2015. He is a three-time Fulbright Scholar and provided over a decade of volunteer service supporting the APIA component of the Gates Millennium Scholars Program.
Dr. Claudia Lee
Vice President, Student Services, Golden West College

Dr. Claudia Lee is an educational leader with over twenty-five years of experience and a fourteen-year record of success in California community college administration. She currently serves as the Vice President of Student Services at Golden West College (GWC). Prior to accepting the vice presidency at GWC in 2016, Claudia served as the Dean of Enrollment Services and Acting Dean of Career and Technical Education. She also held Associate Dean positions in Student Services and Academic Affairs at El Camino College. Prior to her work in the community college system, she worked at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Southern California. She started her career in education as an English teacher in middle and high school. Her academic credentials include a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Administration from UCLA; a Master of Science in Educational Administration from USC; and a Bachelor of Arts in English from UCI.
Mr. Anthony Djedi
Vice President Of Administrative Services, College of San Mateo

Anthony is currently the Vice-President of Administrative Services at the College of San Mateo. Prior to that, he served as Business Manager for the San Mateo County Community Colleges Foundation where he was responsible for the Foundation's business and financial systems. He has also served as a Financial Analyst for a diverse group of companies including Peterson Dean, Stanford Management Company, and BDO, USA. A graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles, Anthony also holds a Master of Science degree in Financial Engineering from the University of Southern California.
Dr. Gayle Pitman
Dean of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
ALO, Sacramento City College

Dr. Gayle Pitman is the Dean of Planning, Research, and Institutional Effectiveness at Sacramento City College, and serves as the college’s Accreditation Liaison Officer. Prior to her current role, she was a full-time faculty member in Psychology and Women/Gender Studies for 20 years. During that time, she served as the SLO Coordinator and as the college’s Academic Senate president. Her strengths include strategic planning, college governance, equity planning and implementation, project management, and data communication.
Dr. Catherine Webb
Vice President, ACCJC
331 J Street, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95814