MC Marketing

Moorpark College Marketing & Communications

We are committed to bringing the Moorpark College Vision into focus. Through an on-going progress and implementation, MCMC will continue to position Moorpark College as a low-cost, high-quality choice for students of diverse backgrounds and experiences that are considering their options for college and careers, thereby increasing equitable opportunities, enrollment, workforce development and community support. As our future and current students are ready to move forward with their education, they will embrace Moorpark College as a partner in their paths to individualism and success.

Moorpark College will continue to make our students and our partners in the community feel that they are a part of an institution that upholds the reputation of a Champion of Higher Education.

THE 3 C’s

Americans have always turned to their public schools in times of crisis. Community colleges have a long history of providing for social need – retraining for employment, dual enrollment, cultural uplift, continuing education, childcare and food pantries, and festive social events. Right now, morale is down among wide swathes of the population. Enrollment is down 12% Statewide. Our challenge is to continue to increase enrollment and units per students, while we convey our student centric philosophy of care, concern and compassion.


As a part of our commitment to be a leader in Diversity and Social Justice while maintaining our status as a Champion in higher education, all MCMC Communications and outreach activities will include imagery and messaging that proudly highlights that our students’ diverse identities, backgrounds, uniqueness and passions are valued. Our Moorpark College stories will be told with authenticity and purpose.