What is FYE and what does the program offer?

The FYE program is a student service that offers several benefits such as personal Success Coaching, Counseling services, and specific events created to help new students adjust to the rigors of college life. Any student at MC can meet with a Success Coach.  Only FYE students can meet with FYE counselors but not to worry, if you are not in FYE you can seek counseling services through general counseling.  We also offer student success workshops, Virtual Community Hours, and any support you may need to be successful at MC!


What is the difference between meeting with a Counselor vs. meeting with a Success Coach?"

 Want to discuss specifics about your education plan, what classes to register for, or how to decide on a major? A Counselor can help you with specifics like choosing your classes, creating an education plan, and helping you declare a major.  

See a Counselor


 Want to find general information about how to navigate college and figuring out the campus? A Success Coach can help you brush up your study skills, time management skills, and give you general information about the college.

See a Success Coach



How far in advance can I schedule a Success Coach or Counselor appointment and how do I make an appointment?

We can only schedule counselor appointments no more than 7 days in advance.  Coach appointments can be scheduled up to two months in advance.  Please visit our Schedule Appointment page in order to set an appointment. 


How do I maintain my priority registration as an FYE student?

You must complete one College Strategies course (COL M01A, COUN M02, COUN M05, OR LS M03), one ENGL course and one MATH course within your first year.  You must meet with a coach at least 2 times/semester and a counselor at least once/semester.


What are some tips for staying connected to FYE?

FYE sends a bi-weekly newsletter during the fall and spring semesters to keep you informed on FYE and campus-wide events and news.  Follow us on Instagram and Twitter!  Email us at mcfye@vcccd.edu


Can I still use FYE services in my second year at MC?

Our FYE coaches will refer you to our SYE (Second-Year Experience) coaches.  In SYE you will continue to receive similar services and support just like you did in FYE!