Create New Content

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Use Existing Content Across Multiple Courses

Importing Content into Spring Courses

Did you know that you can re-use the same Canvas content that you used last semester with only a few simple clicks?  Check out the following Canvas user guide for step-by-step instructions on how you can quickly and easily copy content you have already created in one course to your new Spring course shells:


Blueprint Courses

Did you know you can automatically apply changes you make in one course to all of your courses using Canvas?  Using a Blueprint course, you can add, edit, remove, and create new content in one course and then synchronize that content with all of your assigned courses.  To get started, please email Tracie and/or Michael at with a name for the Blueprint course as well as the CRNs for all courses that you want linked to the blueprint course.  Note: Only unpublished courses should be linked to blueprint courses.  Otherwise, early progress made by students will be lost. 


Cross-Listing Courses

Are you teaching more than one section of the same course and want to save time by modifying content once as opposed to two or more times?  If so, you may want to consider cross-listing your courses.  Cross-listing merges your separate courses into one Canvas shell, thereby making it easy to modify and/or add content in one convenient location.   To get started, please email Tracie and/or Michael at with the CRNs for all courses that you want cross-listed.  Note: Only unpublished courses should be cross-listed together.  Otherwise, early progress made by students will be lost.  Additional settings may be recommended for FERPA compliance. 

New Rich Content Editor in Canvas

Canvas has a new Rich Content Editor (also known as the toolbar found in the “edit” view of a Canvas item) that will look a little different from what you may be used to.  However, all of the same functions you are familiar with and dependent on are still present in the new Rich Content Editor.  To familiarize yourself with this new feature, enter the “Edit” view of any course item (page, assignment, quiz, etc.). 

Additionally, you may want to consult the Canvas user guides below for more details and information:


Review Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions

  • Verify activities to be used in the course are published.
  • Verify dates. Due dates are added to the calendar and the syllabus and serve as reminders to students. “Available from” and “Until” dates will unlock and lock the activity.
  • Verify instructions are accurate and well formatted.
  • Verify the submission type (assignments only).
  • Verify number of attempts is correct (quizzes only).
  • Verify assignment groups are set up correctly. See: How to use Assignment Index Page.
  • Verify assignments are weighted correctly, if using a weighted grading system. See: How to Weight Assignment Groups.
  • Verify discussions are ordered logically on Discussions list page.
  • Verify Quiz “Options” are correct. See: Canvas Quiz Options.


Review Course Details


Final Preparations



  • Canvas email (Inbox/Conversation) messages will not be sent out if the course is unpublished.
  • Pay attention to the time stamp on anything you have placed a date on. 12:00 means the very first minute of the selected day. For end dates, it is often best to choose 11:59 PM to ensure you are setting it up on the correct date.